Krytens Hands

Ktytens HandsKrytens Hands from series 7. Screen matched to episode Blue.
Screen matching props to scenes is not easy, and requires a lot of patience. But I’m certain this pair of Krytens Hands or gloves, can be matched to the 5th episode of Series 7.
I checked other episodes too, but not often do you see a close-up with enough detail at the right angle. So it’s possible this pair of Krytens Hands made other appearances.
Having poured over many an episode at super slow speed, what I do know for sure is there were many pairs of hands used, and not all of them look alike upon a close inspection.

Close-up of Krytens Hands vs Blue

Krytens Hands screen matched Bluekrytens right hand screen matchedHere you can see a still from a scene in Blue on the left; and a photo of my prop on the right.

.. zooming in..

Krytens Hands screen matched blue close-upKrytens right hand screen matched close-upThe middle finger on the right hand sits kind of strange, with the 1st “panel” not aligned, set back and at an angle with the other fingers/panels.

Other episodes I have looked at, where you do get a good enough close-up, look very different to this, and different in their own way.

Heartache - Blue scriptI also have an original matching script written by Kim Fuller, under the working title of Heartache.



Blue (aka Heartache)







Screen matched:





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One Response to Krytens Hands

  1. Emily Gadd says:

    Hi, if you ever want to sell these gloves I will pay you a good amount of money for them as they would be awesome for my collection,
    feel free to email me

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